Healing Silk Pockets©

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These babies can be used for medicinal purposes, to pamper yourself, or a loved one, or you can make them to give as personal gifts to friends. Remember the Silk Quilt we made a while ago? Well, now it's time to harvest the pockets from the silk remnants. Of course, you could use any natural fiber to make the Pockets, but I think silk is particularly luxurious.

Silk Pocket Uses

The lavender Pockets can be used for drawers, closets, and shoe boxes. Place one on the pillow of those in the family who have a tendency to become depressed so that they can smell it at night.

When you use the flaxseed for your Pocket, it feels kind of like a bean bag in your hand. This makes a good compress for tired eyes, sprains, depression, and headaches. After my third car accident, I used jasmine and ylang-ylang oils to help me over the trama. Oo! It was so soothing having a scented, cool compress over my eyes!

Research the oils to use for your own health. A Peppermint Pocket can be placed over the sinus' as a inhalant for colds, sinusitis, nausea, and mental stimulation. A Petitgrain Pocket can be used at night for insomnia and anxiety. So you see, researching the possiblities will have a marvelous impact on your family.

Here's what you need:

*Your silk pockets or Material to make your Pockets
*1 bag each of flaxseed (If you have any left over from the Savage Cough recipe, this is the same herb.)
or lavender, to use as fillings,
*essential oils (If you use lavender, this really isn't necessary, but I still like to use lavender oil to reinforce the scent.)

Now if you've gathered material for your Pockets, cut two squares in the size that you want. (5" by 5" is a good size to start out with.) Sew up three sides, turn right side out. If you've got an old silk shirt that you're ready to discard, cut the pocket out first. Cut around the seam, so that what you have is a ready-made pouch.

Next, depending on the size of your Pocket, scoop about 1 cup of the filling you've chosen in the pocket. Anoint with about 15 drops of oil, and close the fourth side of the Pocket. And that's it.

Silk Pocket Maintenance

Keep your pocket in a plastic bag in the freezer when you're not using them. This helps them last a little longer. When yours has lost its scent, just rip a few stiches on the side, and apply a few more drops to the filler. You can scrunch the lavender-filled pocket between your hands to release more of the flavor. Or you could just make new ones in an array of spirit-boasting colors.

Oh, and while you're at it, make some lavender tea with a dollop of honey. You've earned it!

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