How to Soothe the Savage Cough©

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The savage cough, hacking and dry, can be one of the most painful symptoms of a cold or flu to endure. The influenza cough feels like an explosive earthquake with your head as the epicenter.

If you're a parent, you no doubt have nights when your child can't sleep because of the pain of a hacking cough. Tears well in your eyes because of the pain he is called on to endure. Your nerves are worn threadbare until your child finally sleeps, but only from sheer exhaustion.

Well, I have finally found the exact concoction to bring a night's worth of relief from the savage cough.

The recipe:

Pour one(1) cup boiling water over one (1) teaspoon each of:

*Flaxseed (crushed) (Save your leftovers to make Silk Pockets)

Let sit until it is cool enough to drink. Strain. You may add a dollop of honey or a squeeze of lemon to taste, if desired.

Drink the entire contents of the first glass. Mix a second cup to keep on hand. Have the sick one take a swallow when he feels the urge to cough. You can also use an Herbal Salve for the chest in tandem with this tea.

Here's why it works:

Sage is a remarkable herb. It soothes the nerves and the bronchial area. It can also relieve the headaches that accompany colds. Sage promotes thinning and ejection of mucus (expectorant) and inhibits growth and development of microorganisms (antiseptic).

Flaxseed releases a thickening agent when combined with boiling water. This soothes, protects, and relieves irritation of inflamed mucus membranes (a demulcent).

Eucalyptus can be inhaled from the steam above the cup for the healing properties. It, too, is an antiseptic and expectorant.

Prepare now to soothe the savage cough. These three ingredients can be found at your local health food store. It's worth the trouble. It's worth a quiet night's sleep.

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