Allergy Relief©

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Suffering from allergies means that something is amiss within the body, and it can't handle the bombardment of outside stimuli such as toxins in the air and food. It can mean our bodies are out of balance and too weak to fight off the problem.

Symptoms include bloodshot eyes, depression, headaches, hay fever, difficulty in breathing, cramps, sneezing, hives, and fever. Acupressure will address these symptoms until the cause is found and obliterated.

But sometimes we are powerless to do anything about the causes, like toxins in air, food, and water, or stressful situations. We can, however, bring relief from symptoms, balance to our bodies, and strengthen our immune system to better fight the perpetrator.

This is where the layman's acupuncture comes in. Acupressure will bring harmony, relaxation, balance, and strength to our systems, and do it without side effects. (That is, except for feeling better.)

Remember, before applying acupressure to your person, research is essential, valuable, informative, and a lot more fun as you learn more about your own body. To get you started read my articles Layman's Acupuncture-- Parts One, Two, and Three. Also, I found the book "Acupressure's Potent Points--A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments" by Michael Reed Gach to be very beneficial.

Meanwhile, let's get started in bringing relief to those allergies.

It is best to proceed with these points on a daily basis, perhaps even 3 times a day to achieve maximum results. And remember your slow breathing pattern.

JOINING THE VALLEY (not for pregnant women)

At the highest point on the outside of the webbing between thumb and forefinger, angle pressure in toward forefinger. This point relieves sneezing, headaches, and itching.


Rub firmly top of feet in between big and second toes. Angle pressure toward bone of second toe. You'll find relief from many reactions, including bloodshot eyes.


Briskly rub two finger widths above wrist crease on top of forearm, in between the two armbones. This strengthens the immune system.


On the top part of the arm at the bottom of the elbow crease. (This is painful.) It helps with hives, rashes, and fever.

Other points that will help in this routine are points you've learned in my previous articles: Heavenly Pillar and Elegant Mansion.

Good health to you!

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