in't Life Hum'rous!....

Men and Their Trucks

It took us almost a year to reach the Checkered Flag of savings in order to buy a pick-up (truck). Though Texas is full of the blue, shiny new trucks, the male population of this household (the majority, you know) chose to buy a used vehicle. The color is a drab brown, which never reminds a teen-ager he's in a hot rod. Ah, but the engine is the kind that makes a man feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

The first day that beauty sat in our circle drive, everyone stood in the kitchen talking about what a marvelous machine it was. I had to jump into the mix to ask just one question.

"Can it handle a Mom?"

They all looked at each other in the silent mode they get when they want to let me down easy. By unanimous vote, hubby was elected to answer my question.

"Hon, just because the tires squeal when you take off, doesn't mean you can't stay under 30 (mph)."

Once MY fears were taken care of, I stood back to watch the show. Far be it from me to stereotype, but have you ever seen men primp around a truck? Why just this evening after work, they doted 'til dark. And it still looks the same to me.

Nevertheless, I've learned a secret or two this night. I'd like to share them, if I may.

1. Want to get a teen-ager to help with the dishes? Buy 'im a truck.

2. Want to get a man in a good mood? Buy 'im a truck.

3. Want to enjoy family togetherness by all pitching in hoarded funds for a common cause? Buy a truck.

4. Want to go broke with class? Buy a truck

5. Want to entertain female guests? Buy a truck and drop it down amid a group of men. (Ants have nothing on them.)

My husband said he bought this particular truck because 'it was so clean that you could eat off the floorboard.' But I don't see it. The Truck is as old as my 19 year old daughter, and personally, I think she's in better shape. Don't tell them I said that, though.

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