A+ The World is My Classroom©

The Homeschooler's Prerogative

Today as ever before society is obsessed with labels. A boy who plays with dolls is a 'sissy', so marketing genius' now call them action figures. A girl who likes to race motorcycles or play pool is labeled 'butch', 'unfeminine'. So to 'get away with it' she's a pioneer in woman's lib. Those who can't keep up with the rest of the class are labeled 'slow', those who carry beliefs different than the norm are fanatics, and those who buck... Well, you get the picture.

Personally, this type of systematic pigeon-holing of the human person never appealed to me. It could be because I'm an independent thinker, sure. But I don't think it's very healthy for your growing students. It can stifle, discourage, and even change history.

For example: In the 60's and 70's, their was a young man who wanted to be a doctor so BAD. But all during this growing up life, his mother discouraged this because he was Mexican. Don't get me wrong, this is a minority platform from which I speak. But can you imagine where that young man would be today if he had been encouraged instead? THIS is what I mean about history-changing .

The homeschooler has the prerogative of dispensing with labels, and boy! does it feel good. As you know from my past articles, my boys know how to iron, cook, and sew; and my girl knows her way around the 5 vehicles we own. So when my son asked to learn how to crochet, naturally (in our house) I said 'sure'.

During the course of the lessons, he found out that the art wasn't his to pursue, and you know what? That's fine, that's part of what homeschooling is all about. I'll tell you what though: He made me a crocheted tie-back for my hair. How do you think he feels when I wear it?