Homeschooling and chores took up so much of my time, where could I unzip the day to find more?
When I'm writing a book, I use a 3-ring notebook (packed to the brim with lined paper) and only use one side of the paper, the right side. (Leftys can use the left side.) When my toddler just wouldn't lie down for a nap with the rest of her siblings, I saved the left side for her. She would draw, scribble, create, and write. To her, she was copying mommy.
I'd give her a box of tools, a crayon, a pencil (not too sharp), ruler, and a pen. Since she sat right next to me, I could supervise. There was no danger of her poking herself or experimenting on the furniture.
All my early drafts from the mid to late 80's contain her early aspirations as a writer.
An added plus: I get to travel time with the memories those scribbles bring back.