My Lust For Alternative Medicine-Part 2©

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I really can't take all the credit in developing the health care program for my family. I follow the regiment that Jethro Kloss outlines in his book BACK TO EDEN, and branch out from there.

I have a remarkable list of successes, including cancer, gallstones, blood in the urine, but I'd like to share with you what I've done in this last week alone.

My oldest son was having a problem sleeping, because with our recent bout of cold weather he just couldn't get warm. Doubling up on clothing and blankets didn't help, neither did blasting the heater, (while the rest of us slept with the fans on.)

Now, he drinks a cup of tea before bedtime made with herbs that are designed to keep him warm and increase circulation.

My son also complained of a lump and pain on his foot. Using reflexology and questions, I was able to determine the problem: toxic inhalants at work. Reflexology treatments and the herb tea rid his system of the toxins and the problem they caused.

My husband moved one of his pieces of furniture the other day. (He builds rock solid heirlooms that are built to last.) He hurt his back. It was the kind of pain that no matter what position he put himself, there was no relief. He couldn't sit, stand, or lie down without the intense pain of an injured muscle. For this problem, I made him lie down so that I could deep massage (with an herb salve that I made from a recipe in Kloss' book) the area of pain for about 20 minutes. Then I used pressure points especially for back pain. This treatment was given 3 times a day for 2 days. In 2 days the pain was gone.

My daughter couldn't sleep because of a migrane headache. A 20 minute acupressure session relieved her pain, and relaxed her enough so that she fell asleep as soon as she went back to bed.

The recipes and exact procedures used here have been purposefully left out of this article, because of the negative response I might initiate. After all, I'm not a doctor, but I know my family better than anyone else.

What I'm saying is that with gut instinct, perception, research and careful experimentation, Alternative Medicine has been our choice for a long time now. It just might work for you.

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