My Lust For Alternative Medicine-Part 1©

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I don't see doctors anymore. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know: it's an honorable profession. But it's not my fault. The decision came over a period of time. Here's why.

Reason #1: Back in 1991, I became ravaged by a welt-like rash that drove me bonkers for 8 months. It itched so bad, I'd have to retire into privacy, take off my clothes, and draw blood. And at certain intervels, parts of my face would swell until I looked like I chewed tobacco.

I tried abstaining from certain things, from food to nail polish to laundry and dish soap, thinking that I was allergic to something. To try to get some relief, I went to a doctor. After examining me, he told me I was allergic to something. (Da!) And to find out what caused the itching would take thousands of dollars worth of tests. So for $100, I got a diagnosis I already knew, a promise to take more of my money, and a lifetime perscription for Seldane©.

Then, I thought I'd try acupuncture. He was a friend of mine, so I figured: what'd I have to lose! Result? In one sitting, the man told me what caused the incessent itch, AND he also detected a more serious condition of my health (something, he said, would have killed me by the time I turned 38). He cured both with acupuncture and herb treatments.

Reason #2: Living in a college town, I get to meet MANY students who want to become doctors. Nuff said!

Reason #3: Health care is a money business. Case in point: Cancer! Jethro Kloss had a cure for cancer since the early 20th century. Why haven't doctors embraced this cure or at least continued along the lines of his research? Because cancer is BIG money.

Reason #4: The mistakes made with me and mine. EX: A nurse walked into my boy's hospital room with the intent on giving him a dose of medicine that was marked for the patient next to him. My son was a month old, the boy next to him was 7 years old. I stopped her.

Reason #5: Then you've got the ones that try to get fresh, don't care, keep you waiting for 5 hours, and those who get court orders to force a treatment on you that you haven't chosen.

With this cross-section of experiences, can you blame a person for choosing alternative medicine?

This is not to say that there aren't some really professional, caring doctors out there. They're just not in my sphere!

So what I've done is create a health program for me and mine (no one else). It's a combination of reflexology, accupressure, massage, herbs, oils, and aromatheraphy. And I can tell you, the only side effect I have is tired hands.

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