That Pesky Hiccup©
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These pesky things can crop up at the most inconvenient times, usually when there is excessive food or drink in the stomach. Drink a glass of water upside-down, put salt on the back of your tongue, jump out from around the corner and yell 'BOO!', breathe into a paper bag are all 'remedies' I've heard of. Since hiccups are spasms of rhythm, however, relaxation is the key to relieving them. So what could be better than to research herbs and acupressure? HERBS Naturally, the best procedure would be to start 'simple'. Jethro Kloss, in his book BACK TO EDEN, says 'that the juice of half an orange will usually stop hiccoughs' What could be easier! Also, tea made from black or blue cohosh, taken separately, or mixed in equal parts, is good. ACUPRESSURE If you don't have an orange or the herbs handy, you will have your fingertips wherever you go. At the office, at a party, in an elevator, you can apply pressure to targeted points and achieve relief. Make yourself as comfortable as possible and remember to breathe DEEPLY when using acupressure. (If you haven't as yet completed your research into Acupressure, please review my article, LAYMAN'S ACUPUNCTURE--Part 2).
Heaven Rushing Out
Sea of Tranquility
Wind Screen
Elegant Mansion
Center of Power
You can do one or two of the above and expect relief. So don't just stand there while everyone laughs because you have the hiccups. SHOW them that you know what do to get rid of them. Talk about being the life of the party!! |