Combatting Depression©

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Depression can be triggered by a number of outside forces, but its crippling effects will assault a person with a mere thought. In order to combat the crippling effects of depression, it's imperative to go inside yourself, realize that the effort it takes to apply steady pressure to a targeted point is worth it, because YOU are worth it.

Acupressure can bring healing relief to those who suffer from depression. You can have a formal session or use these points whenever you feel the inklings zeroing in on you for a relentless attack. If you notice the sensations coming on in the check-out line of the grocery store, at your desk at work, showering, eating out, or anywhere, take a few moments to 'hold it at bay' by targeting these points. Then when you are in private, finish your treatment.

Recapping a few reminders from my THE LAYMAN'S ACUPUNCTURE--Part 2:

1. Don't treat yourself directly before or after a meal.
2. Apply steady pressure for a 'feel good' pain, not a 'grueling' pain.
3. Approach at right angles to the point.
4. Long, slow, deep breaths are essential.
5. You can practice your regiment daily for the best results, but you can still achieve results a few times a week.
6. Consider on working on the outside factors that cause depression, like poor diet, lack of vitamins C and E, and lack of exercise.

And now for our session. (Use in any order.)

Third Eye Point--Located between eyebrows, where forehead meets bridge of nose.--Close your eyes and bow your head slightly. Apply light pressure with 2 fingertips. Breathe slowly and deeply.

3 Mile Point--Measure 4-finger widths below kneecap, and 1 finger width toward outside of shin bone.-- Use heel of your hand to briskly rub point for one minute on both legs.

Gates of Consciousness--At the base of the skull (back of head) in the hollows just outside of each large, neck muscles.--Hold points for one minute.

Sea of Tranquility--Measure 3 thumbs widths up from the bottom of breast bone.--Use 3 fingertips to apply gentle pressure to center of breast bone for one minute.

Letting Go--Measure 4 finger widths up from the armpit crease (located at outer chest). Come inward one finger width.--Cross your arms in front of you so you can apply pressure to both sides at once with your middle fingers. Hold one minute.

Elegant Mansion--Points are located on both sides of the breast bone, just under the collar bone.--Press firmly for one minute.

Heavenly Pillar--One half inch below the base of skull (back of head) on both of the large neck muscles, one half inch out from the spine.--Press firmly with fingertips for one minute. This treatment will help you combat depression. Now go and have a cup of mint and lavender tea. After all, you're worth it.

NOTE: There are a number of other pressure points that can be used for depression and in conjunction with other complaints. Avid research will unfold fascinating facts about the laymen's acupuncture. Have fun!

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