A Cure for Cancer©

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Because of the power of pharmaceuticals, the FDA, physicians groups, and the American Cancer Society, too many people have been too intimidated to address the cure for cancer.

Well, when you think about how BIG of a business cancer care is, money-makers will go to extremes to make sure the cure is never found. (And we know what those 'extremes' are: allowing the deaths of our loved ones.) After all, 'treating the symptoms' earns a LOT more money for the health-care givers than 'treating the cause'. It's not right, but it's legal.

But with my curious sense of justice, I feel that I should let my readers know what I've found. Jethro Kloss had found the cure back in the 1930's. In his book BACK TO EDEN, he has written about what causes the different kinds of cancers, how to prevent it, and how to cure it. He's even included a letter to the National Cancer Research Institute of Washington in which he offers his services to show how the cure is accomplished. Needless to say, the Institute refused his help.

But, he also includes in the section on the Cancer documented proof that his way WORKS. No drugs are used, just herbs and a health regiment that will help those ravaged by cancer, and the family members that suffer alongside them.

The regiment includes a diet of fruit juices, fruits and vegetables, herb teas, as well as salt glows, cold baths, enemas, sunshine, and exercise. Mr. Kloss even includes nourishing recipes. I photocopied this regiment, and gave it to my friend, whose sister was just diagnosed with cancer. (The sister lived in Mexico, and was unable to purchase the book for herself.) Three months later, I asked Sylvia how her sister was. She said she was in remission.

Doesn't this kind of a result warrant an investigation, if not by money-mongers, by anyone wanting to bring relief to a cancer patient? Of course, there will be times when the patient needs to be under a nurse's care; Mr. Kloss even goes into detail how that care should be administered. But our dear patient will STILL be spared the wretched indignities of drug and radiation therapy.

Purchase BACK TO EDEN, and see for yourself the logic and simplicity Mr. Kloss uses in his approach to good health care. You just might save a life.

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